Sunday 14 October 2012

So yeah heres an update....

A few pictures of my gains and a little poem or speech I don't know lol,

anyway here

So yesterday I did a compound day,
It was my day to release, to relax, to give it my all, to better myself in the place I call my sanctuary....
It was a tough time keeping my motivation but its here to stay.
Time ticks second by second, it does not wait for me,
I must grasp what I have be grateful of it and use it to my potential.
My max deadlift was 170kg....
I reached the limit and became an animal...
I lost myself
My concious was gone for those reps.. ALL that was in my mind was to LIFT with good form and nothing else...
The normal, "ahh my body is giving way" or "fuck maybe 1 more rep?" was not in my head, but to do the best I could do or die now where I am now, where I stand... 
If I die today so be it, I was where I wanted to be, not being afraid and clinging on to life and working around the obstacles.... but taking them as they hit me full on front.
I will not stop,
I will not quit,
I will succeed,
I will get there,
And I will be the one to be a champion.

The animal within has been awaken and I don't care if you think I am an idiot, or your better than me or if you think I'm a rookie.. but what I know is I have my heart and soul in this.

I thank you for you support

Happy Lifting....

- Daniel Cheung

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